We face the possibility of disasters every day. As I write this we are in the middle of a pandemic with shortages of needed supplies. In the middle of this, a tornado has ravaged Tennessee. Reports from the area are that some people will be without power for over a …
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5 tips for paying off a credit card.
A credit card is a necessary financial tool for modern life. It's also a fast way to get yourself into financial trouble. To avoid that, you need to plan for how you pay your monthly credit card bill. But first, a couple of bonus tips for keeping out of trouble …
Lessons from the COVID-19 Panic.
The panic surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic is providing a rehearsal for when the You-know-what really hits the fan. Unfortunately, it is revealing that we are not as prepared for this sort of thing as we should. I include myself in that "We". And the lessons are sobering.
Like most "Preppers …
The Flood Bucket
Much is said and written about preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse. We talk about Go Bags, EDC Bags, etc. But what about the smaller disasters? Like a flood. Unless you have experienced it, you have no idea what a smelly stinky mess a flood can leave behind. The Flood Bucket …
5 ways to prank your friend's Alexa.
So you visit your friend and find out that he has an Amazon Echo, AKA Alexa. Well aren't they special. Well, two can play at this game. Here are 5 ways that you can prank your friend (be an ass) with their Alexa.
- Make her say "zero" a lot. Simply …
One recipe, 5 sauces.
In the culinary world, tomato sauce is one of the five mother sauces. With a few variations on a basic, easy, recipe, you can create several types of sauces. Read on to find out how I make homemade pasta sauce, pizza sauce, ketchup, and BBQ sauce. These sauces are made …
50 (or more) Ways to save money now.
There are plenty of lists on Pintrest, Yahoo, Dollar stretcher and other sites that offer you a few ideas to save money. What I have here is a list that I gleaned from all over the Internet as well as from my own experiences. I was surprised that this list …
A strategy for long term savings
In another article I present a list of ideas to save money immediately. And there is some satisfaction in seeing some quick savings. But to really save money, you need to make some changes that have longer term payoffs. These are lifestyle changes. Your best way to find savings is …
10 Reasons to garden
Two Sabbaths ago, we were pleased to have Rachel Handley of Mind Over Eating as our guest speaker. During her intro she asked the audience (among other things) to raise there hands if they had a garden. I was dismayed that only 6 hands went up. As many of you …
Well, Here we are.
And how did we get here?
In the beginning was HTML. And HTML was the web and the web was HTML. In 2001 I became curious about how web sites were created. So I bought a book: "The Complete Idiots Guide to Creating Web Sites". It was a book about …
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